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Understanding @Async in Spring Boot

7 min read

Asynchronous approach

With the high development of hardware & software, modern applications become much more complex and demanding. Due to high demand engineers always try to find new ways to improve their application performance and responsiveness. One solution to slow-paced applications is the implementation of the Asynchronous approach. Asynchronous processing is a technique that is a process or function that executes a task to run concurrently, without waiting for one task to complete it before starting another. In this article, I will try to explore the Asynchronous approach and @Async annotation in Spring Boot, trying to explain the differences between multi threading and concurrency, and when to use or avoid it.

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What is @Async in Spring?

The @Async annotation in Spring enables asynchronous processing of a method call. It instructs the framework to execute the method in a separate thread, allowing the caller to proceed without waiting for the method to complete. This improves the overall responsiveness and throughput of an application.

To use @Async, you must first enable asynchronous processing in your application by adding the @EnableAsync annotation to a configuration class:

public class AppConfig {

Next, annotate the method you want to execute asynchronously with the @Async annotation:

public class AsyncService {
    public void asyncMethod() {
        // Perform time-consuming task

How is @Async different from multihreading and Concurrency?

Sometimes It might seem confusing to differentiate multithreading and concurrency from parallel execution, however, both are related to parallel execution. Each of them has their use case and implementation:

In summary, @Async is a higher-level abstraction that simplifies asynchronous processing for developers, on the other hand multihreading and concurrency is more about to manual management of parallel execution.

When to use @Async and when to avoid it.

It seems very intuitive to use asynchronous approach, however, it must be take into account, there’s do’s and don’ts for this approach as well.

Use @Async when:

Avoid using @Async when:

Using @Async in a Spring Boot application.

In this example, we will create a simple Spring Boot application that demonstrates the use of @Async. Let’s create a simple Order management service.

  1. Create a new Spring Boot project with minimum dependency requirement:
    org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web Web dependency is for REST endpoint demonstration purpose. @Async comes with boot starter.

  2. Add the @EnableAsync annotation to the main class or Application Config class, if we are using it.:

public class AsyncDemoApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public class ApplicationConfig {}
  1. For the optimal solution, what we can do is, create a custom Executor bean and customize it as per our needs in the same Configuration class:
   public class ApplicationConfig {

     public Executor getAsyncExecutor() {
       ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
       return executor;

With this configuration we have control over max and default thread pool size. As well as other useful customizations.

  1. Create an OrderService class with @Async methods:
public class OrderService {

  public void saveOrderDetails(Order order) throws InterruptedException {

  public CompletableFuture<String> saveOrderDetailsFuture(Order order) throws InterruptedException {
    System.out.println("Execute method with return type + " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
    String result = "Hello From CompletableFuture. Order: ".concat(;
    return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(result);

  public CompletableFuture<String> compute(Order order) throws InterruptedException {
    String result = "Hello From CompletableFuture CHAIN. Order: ".concat(;
    return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(result);

What we did here is create 3 different Async methods. First saveOrderDetails service is a straightforward asynchronous service, which will start doing the computing asynchronously. If we want to use modern asynchronous Java features like CompletableFuture, we can achieve it with saveOrderDetailsFuture service. With this service, we can call a thread to wait for the result of an @Async. It should be noted that CompletableFuture.get() will block until the result is available. If we want to perform further asynchronous operations when the result is available, we can use thenApply, thenAccept, or other methods provided by CompletableFuture.

  1. Create a REST controller to trigger the asynchronous method:
public class AsyncController {

 private final OrderService orderService;

  public OrderController(OrderService orderService) {
    this.orderService = orderService;

  public ResponseEntity<Void> process(@RequestBody Order order) throws InterruptedException {
    System.out.println("PROCESSING STARTED");
    return ResponseEntity.ok(null);

  public ResponseEntity<String> processFuture(@RequestBody Order order) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    System.out.println("PROCESSING STARTED");
    CompletableFuture<String> orderDetailsFuture = orderService.saveOrderDetailsFuture(order);
    return ResponseEntity.ok(orderDetailsFuture.get());

  public ResponseEntity<Void> processFutureChain(@RequestBody Order order) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    System.out.println("PROCESSING STARTED");
    CompletableFuture<String> computeResult = orderService.compute(order);
    computeResult.thenApply(result -> result).thenAccept(System.out::println);
    return ResponseEntity.ok(null);

Now, when we access the /process endpoint, the server will return a response right away, while the saveOrderDetails() continues to execute in the background. After 2 seconds, the service will complete. Second endpoint - /process/future will use our second option which is CompletableFuture In this case after 5 seconds, the service will complete, and store the result in CompletableFuture we can further use future.get() to access the result. In the last endpoint - /process/future/chain, we optimized and used asynchronous computations. Controller using the same service method for CompletableFuture, however right after the future, we are using thenApply, thenAccept methods. The server returns a response right away, we do not need to wait for 5 seconds, and computation will be done background. The most important point, in this case, is a call to async service, in our case compute() must be done from the outside of the same class. If we use @Async on a method and call it within the same class, it won’t work. This is because Spring uses proxies to add asynchronous behavior, and calling the method internally bypasses the proxy. To make it work, we can either:


The @Async annotation in Spring is a powerful tool for enabling asynchronous processing in application. By using @Async, we don’t need to go into the complexities of concurrency management and multihreading to enhance the responsiveness and performance of our application. But in order to decide when to use @Async or go with alternative concurrency utilities, it’s important to know its limitations and use cases. This is the link for the project used on this blog.